Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Holy Skill Bat Man

I was bored, and we all know what Meek does when he's bored... Does stupid shit. I decide I'm going to take a little bit and level up my Goldsmithing. I mean, why the hell not right?

Before I did all of this, I did do some of the gobbie quests and raise my equipment sack up to 55 slots. They didn't have the items on the AH for the items for 60 slots of I would have done that, but 55 is a pretty good spot for me, so I'll just stay at that.

I checked out the prices on platinum ingots, and nuggets, ores, etc. Ended up spending 1M on items to synth. I bought 2 stacks of Platinum ingots at about 600k~ and enough stacks of platinum nuggets and ores to get me 12 ingots, which is about 300k~. I synth all the ores and nuggets into nice little ingots. Now I have 3 little pretty stacks of ingots I can sell for about 900k~. A recipe pops into my head, "Ohh, I should make some platinum sheets with these ingots." So I end up making these sheets. Come to find out, they don't sell very badly, but they don't sell very quickly either. So here I am with 3 stacks of platinum sheets that I have to sell one by one on the AH. I checked out the prices and they should be able to make about the same amount of gil back.

Oh and by the way. After all this bullshit, of 36 synths, 1M blown out the window, I ended up only getting to 61.3 Skill. Oh boy how I love this game...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Time to Garden..

So I bought out the Auction House today of their goods for some platinum nugget growing. Got all 4 of my mules locked and loaded and ready to grow these bitches.

Also, I am about 81,000 / 100,000 towards my Goldsmith Apron. I'm pretty excited about that. Small update, but thats all thats really going on..

Thursday, May 24, 2007

So.. I am stuck...

So.. I am stuck at Goldsmithing right now. Kinda...

Platinum ingots are expensive as hell now. They are going for 300k a stack... and cost about that much or more to synth. I am only getting about .5 of skill off of a stack of ingots or less. That ratio really really sucks and I am having trouble figuring out what to do.

I found a recipe for Hydro Patas, but one of the ingredients (Bone Patas) aren't too very easy to come across... So I'm screwed. I think I'll just be taking it easy on Goldsmithing until I can save up some more money

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Harvest Time

HARVEST TIME! Woohoo. Got about 12 stacks. Which isn't to bad. Look at these beauties!

First Post - GS 60

So here lately for the past month I have been taking goldsmithing really slow. I have been gaining Guild Points to save up for apron and eventually Fool's Gold. I recenelty got my Goldsmithing Spectacles. Which are pretty cool if you ask me.

I put up a picture of myself sporting them. They look pretty nice, haha.

I've been skilling up on Platinum Ingots for what feels like for fucking ever. I have to take it all the way to 64. I am only at 60 right now, and I am growing all of my own platinum nuggets on 4 different gardening mules. This way is really good for making money back overall.

Here are the 4 mules I have been keeping up with here lately. Gardengnome, Datpurp, Buttnugget, and Kindbud. Nice names, huh?

Well I have been harvesting those, lately I've been getting ~12 stacks of Platinum nuggets from those mules. Which is about 2 stacks of platinum ingots, which are selling for 330k a stack ATM on Titan. I am amaking about 650k profit in 12-14 days, which is pretty good if you ask me.

Also, like I said, I have been saving up my guild points in hope for a Goldsmither's Apron. Right now I am very close to getting it, I am at 66,000 / 100,000. I should be able to pick it up within the next week and a half or so.