Friday, June 15, 2007

66 - On to Platinum Rings

So, in the past few days, I've decided that I am only going to skill up on Darksday. This is the only time really good for skilling up and it saved me money in the long run. So I got from 64.1 since the last update to 66. I finished up my Hydro Patas stage since it ends at 67 because the skill ups are rare now and take forever. So I'm moving right on to Platinum rings.

These aren't bad at all of a synth, I will basically break even with these, so it works out perfect. I'm at 66 with only 2 more levels to go until my Apron. Once I get my apron, with the +1 skill from that and the glasses +1, I will be able to get tier 3 HQ off of colored rocks. Which I will, over time, be able to earn a long of money back. It may be slow, but sure as hell worth it.

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