Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Darksday.. (64.1)

The past few days I have been leveling a lot. I took up Goldsmithing from 61.8 to I believe 64.1 or 64.2. This is really awesome, because of two reason. 1. I got done with my platinum hell stage, and 2. I am almost done with Bone Patas Stage.

Like in the last post, I harvest all of my platinum nuggets and synthed them into ingots. I sold the ingots for about a total of 800k+. With ALL of those synths, I believe it was about 30 or a little more, I only got from 61.8, to 62.3. Which is GARBAGE. So, I decided to move on to the Hydro Patas stage. I ended up buying out all of the AH of them and got to 62.5. Considering the AH only had 5 Patas on there, a .2 skill up from 5 synths is good.

Yesterday, an awesome Bonecrafting friend of mine, named Swat, helped me out a lot. It just so happened to be Darksday, which is the best day for skill ups in crafting, crafted me about 15-20 Bone Patas that I could skillup on during the Darksday. I got all of those done and ended up getting to 63.5.

Well this morning I wake up and log on to FFXI immediatly because I noticed that on FFXIAH.com there was 15 Bone Patas up on the AH for sale, so I was gonna buy them all out. Well, I logged on and it was 5 minutes until Darksday. SWEET! I get to skillup immediatly. So I buy all of the ingredients on the AH. It turns Darksday, and right on 0:01 I start my skilling up. Then, out of nowhere, I get this message....
GREAT! I only have 3 minutes skillup and it just turned DARKSDAY! THIS IS BULLSHIT. Thats all I could think. But, just so happens, I ended up being able to synth all 15+ of the bone patas and was able to get to a skill of 64.1 or 64.2. It was really awesome, I'm getting really close to my Goldsmith Apron and should be able to profit from all of this here soon. As soon as I hit level 65 I am going to start skilling up on Platinum Rings, which should take me all the way to level 70. By the way, I am starting to switch from growing Platinum nuggets, to the Elemental Ore. I am experienced in gardening these things, so It should be an awesome turnout for when I hit the Elemental Bead stage of Goldsmithing

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